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Silver copper coat of arms box

370.00 TTC

Museal editions have entrusted a renowned craftsman with the creation of a luxurious hand-embossed silvered copper box, featuring these leonine weapons particularly well highlighted by this meticulously chiseled relief. A double black felt insert allows you to store business cards, jewellery, keys, pens, etc…

Silver-plated copper box, size 18x13x5 cm, weight 800 g.


Number of products remaining : 2 If you would like to order more, please contact us for more information on restocking times.

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SKU 8168
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370.00 TTC
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65.00 TTC
Black Green Orange Red Royal blue


The Luxembourg coat of arms has been known since the beginning of the 13th century, when Count Henry V of Luxembourg decided on their current composition: « burelé d’argent et d’azur de dix pièces et d’un lion de gueules, armé, lampassé et couronné d’or, la queue fourchue et passée en sautoir ».


Additional information

Weight 0.800 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 5 cm
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